Can the public section of the website be turned off?
Yes, the public section of the website can be turned off.
Can we have more than one Fire Station?
Yes, you can have up to 6 Fire Stations. Need more, then let us know.
Can I use another hosting company?
Yes, however you would be responsible for
  • Domain Name
  • SSL Certificate
  • Database and Website backups
  • Getting FIRE DEPARTMENT ONLINE FTP and CPanel access
  • Small monthly maintenance fee
We can work with you and your hosting company to ensure that the above gets set-up
Can I submit an enhancement to the system?
Yes, we would love to hear your ideas for making this Fire Department Software the best it can be for you and your fellow Fire Departments.
Is there a software license agreement?
Yes, you can view the software license agreement by clicking here.
Can we cancel at any time?
Yes, since billing is yearly, we'll refund any unused months based on the yearly fee paid at time of your renewal.
What is mine and what is yours if I cancel?
The Domain Name and data is yours. We will transfer the Domain Name to you if we secured it for you (small transfer fee might be applicable). If you require the data just ask us for it. The software remains ours.

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